Remarkable Cause


<b>Devon Still</b>: Cincinnati Bengals defensive tackle says his daughter has ...


The message is simple today:  Find your cause.

If you do, you will find a bit of your remarkable self.  You will connect to others who want more than today’s list of accomplishment or “to get-through’s” or even fun and enjoyable typical moments of the day.  The connection expands our positive interaction to the world in a completely personal and positive way.  We move forward on a path of our choosing.  We move beyond observing and get in the game.

A story in Cincinnati inspired me to think about cause in our lives and our innate desire to help and support and inspire others.

The National Football League’s Devon Still, a defensive tackle for the Cincinnati Bengals, recently reached out to the world about his 4-year-old daughter Leah’s diagnosis of pediatric cancer and asked for support.  And he sure got it.

A cause was recognized and launched by Devon and the entire Cincinnati Bengals organization.  A campaign to raise money by selling Devon’s No. 75 jersey launched to fund pediatric cancer research at Cincinnati’s Children’s Hospital Medical Center.  The Bengals organization connected to this cause in a remarkable way by absorbing the cost of the first 10,000 jerseys sold ensuring that about $1 million dollars go directly to pediatric cancer research.  Since that announcement a few weeks ago, more than 12,000 orders of the $100 jerseys have been received from across North America.

The power of cause to connect and impact the world crystallized.  “We applaud Devon for his openness in sharing his daughter’s challenging story nationwide through media and social media,” says Katie Blackburn, Bengals executive vice-president.  “We also applaud the response of our fans and many others to the jersey sales. The welfare of Devon and Leah are foremost in our minds, but we are proud and excited to be able to be a part of something that can help advance the cause of fighting childhood cancer.”

As a coach, what a wonderful gift you offer youth when you take time to talk to your teams about teamwork.  Teamwork in support of your athletic cause and relating that teamwork to other causes around you.  The power and effort of us individually and collectively manifests in our work in sports and athletics.  Take the time to help youth recognize the causes around them and challenge them to think about what inspires or speaks to them about these causes.  Can your team, together, connect to a cause and expand the power of the work in your sport beyond your individual youth and the team?

Use your game to get into another game:  Find your cause.


Remarkable Resources

Read one of the many stories about Devon Still and his team fighting for his daughter and pediatric cancer – see HERE.

Recently jersey sales surpassed 12,000 and Devon says thanks – see HERE.

Coaches, spend intentional time before or after practice talking about causes.  What do your youth recognize as cause.  Who do they see being helped?  Help them think about how teams work together.  Maybe choose and connect to one cause during your season.

Check out the New England Patriots organization joining the cause in a big way (story published after my blog post) – see HERE.